
class impedance.circuits.BaseCircuit(initial_guess, name=None, bounds=None)[source]

Base class for equivalent circuit models


fit(self, frequencies, impedance[, method, …]) Fit the circuit model
get_param_names(self) Converts circuit string to names
get_verbose_string(self) Defines the pretty printing of all data in the circuit
plot(self[, ax, f_data, Z_data, …]) a convenience method for plotting Nyquist plots
predict(self, frequencies[, use_initial]) Predict impedance using a fit equivalent circuit model
fit(self, frequencies, impedance, method='lm', bounds=None)[source]

Fit the circuit model

frequencies: numpy array


impedance: numpy array of dtype ‘complex128’

Impedance values to fit

method: {‘lm’, ‘trf’, ‘dogbox’}, optional

Name of method to pass to scipy.optimize.curve_fit

bounds: 2-tuple of array_like, optional

Lower and upper bounds on parameters. Defaults to bounds on all parameters of 0 and np.inf, except the CPE alpha which has an upper bound of 1

self: returns an instance of self

Converts circuit string to names


Defines the pretty printing of all data in the circuit

plot(self, ax=None, f_data=None, Z_data=None, conf_bounds=None, scale=1, units='Ohms')[source]

a convenience method for plotting Nyquist plots

f_data: np.array of type float

Frequencies of input data (for Bode plots)

Z_data: np.array of type complex

Impedance data to plot

conf_bounds: {‘error_bars’, ‘filled’, ‘filledx’, ‘filledy’}, optional

Include bootstrapped confidence bands (95%) on the predicted best fit model shown as either error bars or a filled confidence area. Confidence bands are estimated by simulating the spectra for 10000 randomly sampled parameter sets where each of the parameters is sampled from a normal distribution

ax: matplotlib.axes

axes of the created nyquist plot

predict(self, frequencies, use_initial=False)[source]

Predict impedance using a fit equivalent circuit model

frequencies: numpy array


use_initial: boolean

If true and a fit was already completed, use the initial parameters instead

impedance: numpy array of dtype ‘complex128’

Predicted impedance

class impedance.circuits.CustomCircuit(circuit, **kwargs)[source]


fit(self, frequencies, impedance[, method, …]) Fit the circuit model
get_param_names(self) Converts circuit string to names
get_verbose_string(self) Defines the pretty printing of all data in the circuit
plot(self[, ax, f_data, Z_data, …]) a convenience method for plotting Nyquist plots
predict(self, frequencies[, use_initial]) Predict impedance using a fit equivalent circuit model
class impedance.circuits.Randles(CPE=False, **kwargs)[source]

A Randles circuit model class


fit(self, frequencies, impedance[, method, …]) Fit the circuit model
get_param_names(self) Converts circuit string to names
get_verbose_string(self) Defines the pretty printing of all data in the circuit
plot(self[, ax, f_data, Z_data, …]) a convenience method for plotting Nyquist plots
predict(self, frequencies[, use_initial]) Predict impedance using a fit equivalent circuit model