Fitting impedance spectra

1. Import and initialize equivalent circuit(s)

To begin we will import the Randles’ circuit and a custom circuit from the impedance package. A full list of currently available circuits are available in the documentation.

import sys

from impedance.circuits import Randles, CustomCircuit

The classes we just imported represent different equivalent circuit models. To actually use them we want to initialize a specific instance and provide an initial guess for the parameters and any other options.

E.g. for the randles circuit, one of the options is for a constant phase element (CPE) instead of an ideal capacitor.

randles = Randles(initial_guess=[.01, .005, .1, .001, 200])
randlesCPE = Randles(initial_guess=[.01, .005, .1, .9, .001, 200], CPE=True)

Defining the custom circuit works a little differently. Here we pass a string comprised of the circuit elements grouped either in series (separated with a -) or in parallel (using the form p(X,Y)). Elements with multiple parameters are given in the form X/Y

customCircuit = CustomCircuit(initial_guess=[.01, .005, .1, .005, .1, .001, 200],

Each of the circuit objects we create can be printed in order to see the properties that have been defined for that circuit.


Circuit: Randles
Circuit string: R0-p(R1,C1)-W1
Fit: False

Initial guesses:
        R0 = 1.00e-02
        R1 = 5.00e-03
        C1 = 1.00e-01
        W1_0 = 1.00e-03
        W1_1 = 2.00e+02

2. Formulate data

Several convenience functions for importing data exist in the impedance.preprocessing module; however, here we will simply read in a .csv file containing frequencies as well as real and imaginary impedances using the numpy package.

import numpy as np

data = np.genfromtxt('../../../data/exampleData.csv', delimiter=',')

frequencies = data[:,0]
Z = data[:,1] + 1j*data[:,2]

# keep only the impedance data in the first quandrant
frequencies = frequencies[np.imag(Z) < 0]
Z = Z[np.imag(Z) < 0]

3. Fit the equivalent circuits to a spectrum

Each of the circuit classes has a .fit() method which finds the best fitting parameters.

After fitting a circuit, the fit parameters rather that the inital guesses are shown when printing.

[6]:, Z), Z), Z)


Circuit: None
Circuit string: R_0-p(R_1,C_1)-p(R_1,C_1)-W_1
Fit: True

Fit parameters:
        R_0 = 1.65e-02 +/- 1.54e-04
        R_1 = 5.31e-03 +/- 2.06e-04
        C_1 = 2.32e-01 +/- 1.90e-02
        R_1 = 8.77e-03 +/- 1.89e-04
        C_1 = 3.28e+00 +/- 1.85e-01
        W_1_0 = 6.37e-02 +/- 2.03e-03
        W_1_1 = 2.37e+02 +/- 1.72e+01

4a. Predict circuit model and visualize with matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from impedance.plotting import plot_nyquist

f_pred = np.logspace(5,-2)

randles_fit = randles.predict(f_pred)
randlesCPE_fit = randlesCPE.predict(f_pred)
customCircuit_fit = customCircuit.predict(f_pred)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))

plot_nyquist(ax, frequencies, Z)
plot_nyquist(ax, f_pred, randles_fit, fmt='-')
plot_nyquist(ax, f_pred, randlesCPE_fit, fmt='-')
plot_nyquist(ax, f_pred, customCircuit_fit, fmt='-')

4b. Or use the convenient plotting method included in the package

This is an experimental feature with many improvements (interactive plots, Bode plots, better confidence intervals) coming soon!!

randles.plot(f_data=frequencies, Z_data=Z)
randlesCPE.plot(f_data=frequencies, Z_data=Z)
customCircuit.plot(f_data=frequencies, Z_data=Z)
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